04 October, 2011

Sept. 23 - Parental Discretion Advised?

Parental Discretion Advised?

Care to share your opinion? Work's begun in earnest on the international collaboration project I'm here to create, GlobalConnext, & there's a question I'm pondering. Unintentional language mistakes or quirky twists to a phrase are inevitable during cultural exchanges. I'm wondering whether to broach the subject directly in the teaching materials for educators, inkle @ the topic with kids, or have it grow organically from posts or queries from individual students as they begin to connect.
Some examples:
-Hotel menu (I've also seen it on restaurant marquees)

-New Delhi TV show about pets - "Heavy Petting"
-On dozens of signs, bus advertisements - "Cum" - it's used like Bar AND (cum) Restaurant

There's also a few that aren't quite as directly sexual, but they could be confusing for a student to grasp the intent of the English used vs. the literal:

A restaurant called "The Bohemian - Where food does a cabaret on your senses!"
Street vendors - "Pulpy Grape Juice"
A book store (their quotations) - " 'Good Time' Reading/ 'Good Time' Art


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Kol, WB

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