30 December, 2011

Dec. 14 - Swedish Sun

Arriving a week before Winter Solstice assured I would be experiencing short days in Stockholm.  Minnesota, too, has a much shorter day in the winter, so I didn’t think much about how it may be different.  Many Swedish days are like Minnesota - grey mornings, the sky the color of a nuthatch feather - but the nearness of the sea creates a theatrical fog which may last almost to noon.  It is the winter nights that teach one much about Sweden - deep palettes of vibrant colors stretch across the horizon in thin streaks as the sun begins to set near 2:45 p.m., leaving the city brights with lights by 3:15 & the countryside so dark even a flashlight beam weakens within a few feet.


 Camera time stamp = 4:22 pm
 8:23 a.m
 1:15 p.m
One week after Solstice - no photoshopping :-) - dusk on the Baltic Sea

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